Calling All Dry Markers!

Crayola has a great program for recycling those old dry markers that end up in the trash! It's called ColorCycle.

Last year we shipped off a pretty big box of dry markers, and this year I hope to send an even bigger box! If you have any dry markers laying around, send them to school to recycle in the art room. They don't even have to be crayola markers, any marker will do!

ATC Swap was a Success!

In November we mailed all of our Artist Trading Cards in to Mrs. Nic Hahn in Minnesota. She then worked tirelessly to organize and distribute the trading cards back to the schools that participated. We received some really great cards from other states and countries!

I created a google map with pictures of the cards we received from each school. If you'd like to see what we got, you can see them all by clicking on the globe below!

Now the hard part is distributing the trading cards to the England students. There are quite a few that everyone is going to want :)