Grading Art


In Art Class, students are graded on a variety of concepts and skills that are aligned with the Art TEKS, Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills, as well as the AARC for Round Rock ISD.

 In 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade, students earn letter grades such as "E", "S", "N", and "U". Students will receive a combined average of  two grades. One grade is for demonstrating concepts and skills and the other grade is for citizenship and participating in activities.

 "E" stands for EXCEEDING grade level expectations.

"S" stands for SATISFACTORY which means that a student is meeting grade level expectations.

"N" stands for NEEDS IMPROVEMENT which means that a student is struggling with meeting grade level expectations.

"U" stands for UNSATIFACTORY which means that a student is performing below grade level expectations.

In Kindergarten, 1st, and 2nd grade, students earn numerical grades such as "1", "2", "3", and "4". Students will earn two grades. One grade is for demonstrating concepts and skills and the other  grade is for participating in activities.

 "1" stands for experiencing difficulty meeting expectations of grade level TEKS. Students exhibit skills/concepts with direct guidance and participate with direct guidance.

 "2" stands for making progress toward mastering grade level TEKS. Students exhibit skills/concepts with minimal guidance and participate with minimal guidance.

 "3" stands for consistently mastering grade level TEKS. Students exhibit mastery of skills/concepts and participate fully in activities.

 "4" stands for exceeding expectations of grade level TEKS. Students exhibit an understanding of skills/concepts that goes beyond grade level expectations and participation exceeds grade level expectations.