Art Studio

Art Studio

Beginning this Spring, we will be starting Art Studio in place of Art Club. Art Studio allows students who are interested in 
art to explore a specific and student led project. Students will choose a project to work on independently, and Mrs. Shock and Mrs. West will help facilitate and navigate them through their process. Art Studio is not for everyone, so discuss with your family to be sure it is right for you.

Art Studio is open to 4th and 5th Graders. We have limited space, so students are considered for Art Studio based on their application and lottery system. 

Art Studio begins at 2:55 and ends at 3:55. Students must be picked up on time and in the front of the school.

There is a Fall and Spring Art Studio. Students will need to apply for each session.

Fall Art Studio begins Monday, September 17th and ends on Monday, December 3rd.

Spring Art Studio begins Monday, February 24th and ends on Monday, April 20th.

Please find the application below.

Spring applications are due Friday- February 14th!